Prayer Basket

Prayer requests will be listed for four weeks.


Please pray for my husband who is struggling to find a job.


Please pray for Greg K. who is in a rehab unit on a feeding tube, cannot speak or swallow, and is paralyzed on the left side.


Pray for my husband who will have surgery for renal cancer; for our children to have an encounter with Jesus and return to the church; for baptism for our grandchildren; and thanks for God's goodness and mercy.


Dear Padre Pio, we ask that we have a safe trip home; to repair our relationship with our daughter and for her to find the Lord and mend her disrespectful heart; and for our grandchildren.


Pray for Tony who is going in again for lung surgery on 11/29 to place new valves in his lungs so they can exhale the air he breathes in.


Pray for Lorrie who is having neck and back surgery on 11/24.


Please pray for my son who has lost his way.


Please pray for good results of a test this week.


Pray for my family and me who need a deep conversion to God and blessings of health.


Dear Pio, help us to be courageous, confident, and prudent through Mother Mary's Immaculate Heart and Jesus' sacred heart.


Pray for friends and family who are sick to get better; continued help with fraud case to recover funds; for all members' and friends' requests to be answered in God`s time; for thanks and praise to God because He is deserving and good.


Lord, please guide me to a new living space.


Pray for Michael that he gets help for his anxiety and is capable of living a healthy happy life; for my children to want to have a closer relationship with Jesus.


Please pray for Donna who is ready to deliver her baby soon; for three of my friends who are experiencing the death of a husband (Richard), a husband of Kathy, and mother of Gary; for the souls of the departed and their loved ones; for Joey’s healing.


Please pray for F.'s successful triple bypass surgery and full recovery.


Please pray for little Sadie Mae who is in stage 2 kidney failure that her white blood count will come down and she will get better.


Please pray for Sr. M. Veronica who is in stage 5 kidney failure so she will calmly submit to God's will for her and be courageous.


Please pray for a proper Catholic burial for Barbara and Joe who did not have a will and whose bodies remain in a city morgue.


Please pray for Joe for a safe trip to and from his travels to be with his son Joe who just had major back surgery on 10/2, and that his son has a complete healing without complications very soon.


Please pray for Roger that he will get his $8000 unemployment from the court of claims.


Pray for the repose of the souls of three good friends (Debbie, Pat and Agnes), each a victim of cancer; for relief from the nerve pain that John and MaryJane are experiencing; for my four adult children to return to the Church.


Through the intercession of Saint Pio, may all countries throughout the world be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart and his Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to open the hearts of men and women that we may have peace in the world.


Please pray for my sister's two places in Florida not to be destroyed from the recent hurricane; for Zachary to get shared parenting for his son; for Tim’s recovery; for a safe and grace filled pilgrimage to Medjugorje.


Pray for my 27 year old son to be enlightened by Jesus' truth regarding a 5+ year relationship, and for him to know Jesus' most perfect will and to be obedient to that will.


Pray for a safe and honest presidential election. Padre, help pick all the politicians who care about us and make the world a better place, and help end all violence especially abortion.


Help us Lord.


Pray that my two adult children will return to God and our Catholic faith.


I pray with gratitude that my ailing Uncle has been well enough to fly back to the US. Pray that circumstances change at work as our department is struggling with a demeaning manager who does not support quality of care for his rehabilitation team.


Please pray for my son in his conversion to a true child of God.

Saint Padre Pio, pray for us.