Prayer Basket

Prayer requests will be listed for four weeks.


Pray for Sean who is suffering with severe depression, and for Collen with financial help and obtaining a job.


Please pray for my husband who lost his job, that he find a job soon so we can be released from this financial storm and that his confidence be lifted.


Please heal Suzanne's eyes and from a large hernia.


Pray for Carla having open heart surgery Wednesday 7/24, that the Lord guide the surgeon's and staff.


Please pray for Mel going thru chemo and radiation treatments for lung cancer, that the treatments are successful.


Pray for our son to find his spouse this year.


Please pray for the sanctification of Fr. Christopher, Fr. Michael and Fr. Augustine, for them to bear much fruit in the Lord's vineyard and to remain in Jesus to the very end.


Prayers for myself for healing from COVID.


Please pray for Greg to be healed of prostate cancer.


Please pray for peace in my home; for my second cousin Randy H who had a heart attack and is on life support with minimal brain activity; for the poor souls especially ones who have no one to pray for them; for all Padre Pio group members' needs.


Please pray for Karen who is having surgery for cancer; for the family of Corey C; and for the return to the faith for our siblings, nieces and nephews.


After the incident yesterday (7/13/2024) in PA, please pray for our nation and God's help.


Please pray for Mathew, Megan and Erin to be brought back to the faith; for Matthew to get a good job; for Erin to find an apartment and lose all her excessive unhealthy weight gain.


Please pray for Marie H, a 40-year-old mother, who has a bad heart and is having a major surgery on August 7th. There’s a strong possibility that she will not survive.


Please pray that my husband and I might have another child.


Please pray for Cathy who had an accidental fall and broke 8 ribs and punctured her spleen, and for her husband Bill to be strong in faith and hope throughout this trial.


Please pray for Chris G. that she recovers from serious burns due to an accident; for Frank M., his nephew, and his nephew's mother who are all suffering from cancer; for Ashley R. who will need to undergo open heart surgery, for a healing and full recovery.


Please pray for our cousin Andrew P. who has stomach cancer and is in his 30's.


Please pray for my 27 year old son who's in a very unhealthy relationship.


Pray that my friend Jeff has a full recovery from his face cancer and is currently receiving treatment. Prayers also for his family to prepare to accept and transform.


Pray for justice to return to our country as we need honest and capable leaders; for those who are away from the Catholic Church that they may return stronger than ever; for Cindy who does so much for our group; and may we all remain faithful and close to Jesus.


Prayers for Anna's adult son who is recovering from heart surgery.


Please pray for healing for 4 year old Jaclyn who had an extensive brain tumor removed a year ago that has returned. She will be having another surgery to remove it and follow up treatment. Pray also for her parents and two siblings.


Please pray for Marty who has Parkinson’s; for Russ who is hospitalized with many health issues; for Eleanor's knee and back pain and depression; for Christopher for health and his job; for Tom for health and a good job.


Lord and Padre Pio, please help my husband and myself.


Pray for successful surgery on my eyelids and a speedy recovery.


Please pray for John H who has numerous and serious health issues.


Pray for Weston's neck that it be nothing more then a bad sprain; for Tim to get a set of lungs; for conversion of my entire family; and for healing of my back.


Pray for me as I have been struggling with my alcoholic addiction and my finances are a mess. I am also trying to strengthen my lower back so I can work again.


Pray for Carole who has been battling pancreatic cancer for 23 months, that she make it to her last goal, August 1st, her birthday.


Pray for all men considering a vocation to the priesthood.


Please pray for my good friend Ken who has been undergoing chemo, and for my brother-in-law Jeff who has numerous blood clots and is unable to walk without assistance.


Please pray for an elderly couple with multiple health issues. The husband was placed in nursing home care and the wife is overwhelmed dealing with the situation on her own as their children are not nearby. May they know God is with them and may God give them strength to get through this.


Pray for Dean and his hoarding behaviors masking his traumas; for our families to love and be compassionate toward one another; for Bill's blood test to have positive results; for our children to return to the faith.


Please pray for me to overcome the challenges and obstacles I face at home and work, especially the financial concerns.


Please pray for Kimberly, Amanda, Emily and Digiovanni to come/come back to the Catholic faith.


Pray for Kimberly to be healed of her brain injury, anxiety, depression, PTSD, back, neck, and joint pain due to a car accident and please bring her into the faith.


Please pray for Jessica to be healed of her degenerative nerve condition, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and for efforts in achieving a healthy weight.


Please pray for Amanda to be healed from anxiety, depression, BPD, and for support in her effort to achieve a healthy weight.


Please pray for Emily to be healed from gender dysphoria, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and ADHD.


Please pray for miraculous healing for Frank M. who is suffering from a rare form of cancer and on dialysis. Please also pray for his young nephew and his nephew's mother who have both been diagnosed with Leukemia.


Please, Lord, my daughter is mentally sick; help her holy spirit.


Padre Pio, pray for Agnelo C, Odilha S, Mary C, Mary C, Philip T and Emedia F.

Saint Padre Pio, pray for us.