"Praying for any person or any need at any time."
Prayer requests will be listed for four weeks. Any request that is re-submitted within those four weeks will not be accepted.
Please pray for my husband’s cousin Antonio, 49, who likely has a cancer diagnosis.
Prayers for successful surgery, good health, and recovery for Dennis.
Pray for Mike's depression and anger to heal; for the Holy Spirit to guide Our Holy Father and all religious and common people; for everyone to thank God ahead of time; for St. Francis` protection of people and animals; for money to continue the church repairs; for a great outcome for funds recovered; for health restored to all; and for conversions.
Pray that I be a faithful child of God, and for the petitions of my heart and soul.
Praying for my daughter not to have such a hateful heart.
Pray for priests and laity who struggle with addictions.
Let us pray with St Pio's help for the recovery of Dominic in ICU in critical condition, and his family.
Pray for Donna D. who had complications from knee surgery and was found to have a brain tumor, and for her children who are devastated.
Please pray for protection, improved health, and trust for Sr. Mary D. as she has near daily struggles, and for all those to whom she ministers.
Pray for my Aunt Alison, that she be healed from her health struggles especially that of her cancer.
Pray for special requests for Barb, Joe, Jim, Ed, Riley, Melissa, Gloria, Sal, Brenda, Denise, Candace, Madeline, Amanda, Louise, Ginny, and Cheryl.
Please, Padre and Blessed Mother, put your healing hands on my sister, and pray for the souls of Jack, Tom and their families.
Please, Padre Pio, help us and hear our prayers.
Pray for Levon O.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Jack R. May he rest in peace.
Pray for all religious and secular leaders around the world that they may live by the christian values, all for the greater honor and glory of God and to save souls.
Please pray for Joey S. who has developmental disabilities and who is very sick and is in ICU.
Please pray for Joe S who will be having surgery on Monday (2/10), that all will be done well and he will have a speedy healing and recovery.
Pray for my mom, Nicolina, that surgery on Tuesday (2/11) goes well with no complications during surgery and during recovery, and for the healing and safe keeping of me, my family, friends and loved ones.
Please pray for Rick who is hospitalized for heart blockage issues, for guidance for the doctors, for strength and healing for Rick, and for strength for his wife and children.
Prayers for baby Eliza who died, and for her parents and older brother.
Please pray for Debbie as she is in need of surgery for her head.
Please pray for Kathy who is having thyroid surgery tomorrow (2/4); and please continue to pray for Linda who fell last month and broke her arm, that it will be healed correctly.
Please pray for Phil D. who passed away on January 31 and his family; for Eleanor who has many health issues; and for Marty who has Parkinson’s.
Prayers for Gina, battling cancer, for a miracle and recovery.
Saint Padre Pio, pray for us.